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How to specify full namespace for factory.create()

I'm using suds to make SOAP requests to a third-party API.

import suds.client
client = suds.client.Client(WSDL_URL, location=SERVICE_URL)

When I try to create an object for a particular type defined by the WSDL (say TheObject):

obj = client.factory.create('TheObject')

I'm getting an error about it not existing:

(TheObject) not-found
path: "TheObject", not-found
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 67, in <module>
  File "", line 51, in main
    obj = client.factory.create('TheObject'),
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/suds/", line 234, in create
    raise TypeNotFound(name)
suds.TypeNotFound: Type not found: 'TheObject'

So I print the list of available suds factory types with print(client):

Suds ( )  version: 0.4 GA  build: R699-20100913

Service ( OrderService ) tns=""
   Prefixes (2)
      ns0 = ""
      ns1 = ""
   Ports (2):
         Methods (123):
            ... Not really relevant
         Types (123):

So it appears that ns1 is the default namespace, and ns0 is the namespace I want to use for TheObject. If I prefix it with the namespace alias it works.

obj = client.factory.create('ns0:TheObject')

I would prefer not to have to remember to use ns0 in this particular case because its vary arbitrary. I looked up the docs for Factory.create() but it only accepts a single argument name with no additional arguments for namespace URL or anything.

Is there a way to dynamically determine the namespace for TheObject? Or is it possible to specify the whole URL for ns0 instead of just the namespace alias? Any help would be appreciated.


  • And it should have been painfully obvious to me that it is a standard XML namespace, and it's clearly indicated in the documentation (which I missed).

    To specify the namespace by URL you simply prefix the name with the namespace URL wrapped in {} (curly braces):

    obj = client.factory.create('{}TheObject')