Current version of JsPlumb is on top of Jquery, YUI or MooTools. I have a requirement where I need to write adapter for connecting jsPlumb with Dojo gfx.
I checked source code of jsPlumb , I found adapters for all three (Jquery,YUI and MooTools)
Sample Adapter of Jquery, lists following details,
the library specific functions, such as find offset, get id, get attribute, extend etc.
* the full list is:
* addClass adds a class to the given element
* animate calls the underlying library's animate functionality
* appendElement appends a child element to a parent element.
* bind binds some event to an element
Can somebody please point, how hard it is to replace all listed calls with dojo specific method calls? What do I need to consider while writing these methods?
We have written dojo adapter for jsPlumb ( which works for most of the functionality), You can get source code at github