I migrated a project from myfaces 2.1 to 2.2, and now my composite component will not render.
The page output shows:
<meg:megamenu menubean="ec.common.WetTopMenuBarBean@183817e" id="topMenuLevel0" />
Where the me:megamenu should be expanded into the rendered html.
It all worked in myfaces 2.1. Does anyone have any ideas?
The structure is basically a page, that uses a template, that ui:include another reusable content, which then uses the composite component.
The page:
<ui:composition template="/templates/wetLayout.xhtml" >
The template:
<ui:include src="#{chosenTheme == 'intranet' ? '/sections/common/intranet/commonHeader.xhtml' : '/sections/common/commonHeader.xhtml'}" >
The sub section:
<meg:megamenu id="topMenuLevel0" menuBean="#{wetTopMenuBarBean}" />
I have also tried it with both eclipse Juno and Kepler.
I tried this in an example of my own and you are right: It is not possible to use composite components in sub directories by default. As Leonardo pointed out in a comment to the question, this is not allowed in the JSF spec.
In MyFaces, however, this behavior can be changed by setting the context parameter org.apache.myfaces.STRICT_JSF_2_ALLOW_SLASH_LIBRARY_NAME
to true
With this parameter set, I can use composite components in sub directories with MyFaces 2.2.0.