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GPUImageMovie playback controls

I'm trying to control the playback of a GPUImageMovie. What I would like to archive is jump from a frame to another (seekToTime back and forward, swipe controlled) rather then play the video, but I don't understand if the component it's designed for this use.

GPUImageMovie -> filters -> GPUImageView

I've tried to use an AVPlayer on playerItem, but apparetly it's null.


  • You can use AVPlayer for control video: create GPUImageMovie by using AVPlayerItem, so you can control your video by using AVPlayer methods.


    NSURL *mediaURL = ...
    AVPlayer *mainPlayer = [[AVPlayer alloc] init];
    AVPlayerItem *playerItem = [[AVPlayerItem alloc] initWithURL:mediaUrl];
    [mainPlayer replaceCurrentItemWithPlayerItem:playerItem];
    GPUImageMovie *currentMovieFile = [[GPUImageMovie alloc] initWithPlayerItem:playerItem];
    [currentMovieFile addTarget:...];
    [currentMovieFile startProcessing];