I would like to know how to allow more than one object at the time. I am looking for something like NSSet with 50 empty Objects.
The reason for that is that I have a intensive work with a lot of allocations (1.000.000) and it is very time consuming to to it per one bases. (Alloc method is time expensive).
To answer your question directly, there are two runtime functions that allow you to create/destruct an object located in a pre-allocated block of memory:
* Creates an instance of a class at the specific location provided.
* @param cls The class that you wish to allocate an instance of.
* @param bytes The location at which to allocate an instance of \e cls.
* Must point to at least \c class_getInstanceSize(cls) bytes of well-aligned,
* zero-filled memory.
OBJC_EXPORT id objc_constructInstance(Class cls, void *bytes)
* Destroys an instance of a class without freeing memory and removes any
* associated references this instance might have had.
OBJC_EXPORT void *objc_destructInstance(id obj)
Totally untested example usage (ARC must be disabled in the @implementation file):
+ (void)allocInPlace:(void *)buffer
objc_constructInstance(self, buffer);
- (void)dealloc
size_t instanceSize = class_getInstanceSize(MyClass.class);
// This may not be enough, since we need to ensure that object instances are 16-byte aligned
void *buffer = calloc(instanceSize, numObjects);
for (size_t i = 0; i < numObjects; i++) {
// Need to ensure that this is 16-byte aligned
void *objBuffer = buffer + (instanceSize * i);
[mySet addObject:[[MyClass allocInPlace:objBuffer] init]];
You'll need to hang onto buffer
and free()
it when no longer needed.
However you should probably just use a C array of structs if possible. The technique I've used here runs against standard Obj-C practice and is error-prone (if, for example, you free the buffer before all objects have been destructed then Bad Things will happen).