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Has anyone suffered any performance issues with CodeSmith or MyGeneration

I am new to both these pieces of software. A colleague of mine recommended these two to me. Just wanted to know if the stored procedure code they produce have any performance problems? I would like to use the software to produce stored procedures only. Anything on these two I should know about?


  • In my experience, any performance issues with the stored procedures (or other code) that I generate using CodeSmith (or MyGeneration) are the result of me designing the stored procedure template poorly, and not the fault of the codegen tool.

    The output of your codegen is only as good as the templates you use to drive it. If you're having performance issues (or suspect you might be), profile the stuff you've generated. You may find places where you can tweak your templates to improve all your stored procedures, or you may have to special-case a specific query, if there's just one that's suboptimal.