I can't get the foundation-icons to show in production-enviroment (deployment) while in development it works just fine. When I start the server in production-mode via nginx and the gem puma, basically the only error I get is this:
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/stylesheets/foundation-icons.css")
I've tried to add this to config/enviroments/production.rb:
config.assets.precompile += %w( vendor/foundation.scss )
and I precompiled using RAILS_ENV=production
I'm using the latest version of foundation:
gem 'foundation-rails', github: 'ahacking/foundation-rails'
Using ruby 2.0.0.p353 and Rails 4.0.2.
Foundation-icons has no real relation to the foundation gem. (I wasn't the guy who implemented it in the application)
Edit 2:
Added config.assets.compile = true
in config/environments/production.rb
witch removed the error, however the icons are still missing.
I found a gem for foundation-icons that works like a charm