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How to check if a character is a letter of some alphabet?

How to check in C++ if a character is a letter of some alphabet? Generally I need something like this:

bool is_german(wchar_t ch);
bool is_russian(wchar_t ch);
bool is_japanese(wchar_t ch);

and etc.

EDIT 1. Can I do it without defining all charachter sets of all languages I need. Or maybe there is some library which has somethis like this:

std::vector alphabet = GetEnglishAlphabet(); // alphabet = {L'a', L'b', L'c', ...}

EDIT 2. If someone is interested in I've found

Script QChar::script() const


  • You can use std::isalpha defined in <locale>. Remember to set to the correct locale first


    std::locale loc("en-US");
    bool isAlpha1 = std::isalpha('a', loc);
    bool isAlpha2 = std::isalpha('&', loc);
    bool isAlpha3 = std::isalpha('1', loc);
    bool isAlpha4 = std::isalpha('Ж', loc); //cyrilic alphabet, but not US

    You can find Language strings here: