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How can I tap on a UICollectionView cell of a collection view in UIAutomation?

How can I tap on a UICollectionView cell of a collection view in UIAutomation?

I tried this

var iconsCollView = window.collectionViews()[0];
var iconRect = iconsCollView.cells()[0].rect();
var iconX = iconRect.origin.x/100;
var iconY = iconRect.origin.y/100;
iconsCollView.tapWithOptions({tapOffset:{x: iconX, y: iconY}});

but it taps another cell in the collection view, a wrong cell other than the cell I specified its offset.

Can you please help me? is there another way?


  • From the UIAElement class reference:

    Your script should treat the rect object as a generic JavaScript object whose properties for origin, x, y, size, width, and height correspond to those of the analogous CGRect Cocoa structure. The rect object has the form {origin:{x:xposition,y:yposition}, size:{width:widthvalue, height:heightvalue}}. The relevant coordinates are screen-relative and are adjusted to account for device orientation.

    From the same source under tapWithOptions method:

    You can use offsets to achieve finer precision in specifying the hitpoint within the rect for the specified element. The offset comprises a pair of x and y values, each ranging from 0.0 to 1.0. These values represent, respectively, relative horizontal and vertical positions within the rect, with {x:0.0, y:0.0} as the top left and {x:1.0, y:1.0} as the bottom right. Thus, {x:0.3, y:0.6} specifies a position just below and to the left of center, and {x:1.0, y:0.5} specifies a position centered vertically at the far right.

    From the source you provided, you're trying to tap inside of collection view passing some weirdly scaled offset coordinates of one of its cells (instead of expected relative horizontal and vertical positions within the rect of collection view).

    If you want to tap the cell simply locate it and call the tap method on it:

    var iconsCollView = window.collectionViews()[0];
    var iconCellToTap = iconsCollView.cells()[0].tap();