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Titanium Webview iOS not display Yahoo confirm SMS Security

I try to develop an Application using Yahoo SDK. When App show a webview with url :

Then I input my username and account to login. Then webview displays Confirm SMS security view. But the webview do not display the "verify" button, like the Image below:

alt text

I set following properties to my webview

var YahooWebView = Ti.UI.createWebView({
left : 0,
    top : 0,
    right : 0,
    bottom : 0,
    width : 320,
    height : 568,
    scalesPageToFit : true,
    url : ""

How do I resolve this problem? Thanks.


  • I got solution for this, I used yahoo mobile login URL for login and I set the yahoo api URL in "done" parameter. It redirect to yahoo api for app authorization.

    var authPageURL = "" + oauthToken;
    var yahooMobileLoginUrl = "" + authPageURL;