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Trying to select a radio button from a custom attribute in Watir-Webdriver

Is trying it this way not possible? I added the code to extend the ability to allow custom selectors:

module Watir
  class ElementLocator    
    alias :old_normalize_selector :normalize_selector

    def normalize_selector(how, what)
      case how
        when :data_sku
          [how, what]
          old_normalize_selector(how, what)

And here is my code trying to select it from the random array. Even with the middle two lines uncommented I still get errors.

$monthlydata = ["GC311Z-02","GC307Z-02","GC308Z-02","GC309Z-02","GC310Z-02"].sample
#Watir::Wait.until {, $monthlydata) }, "//input[@data_sku='$monthlydata']").exists?, "//input[@data_sku='$monthlydata']").set **(line causing the error)**

The error I get is the UnknownObjectException: unable to locate element. The line that's throwing up the error is the last one shown.


My updated code getting timeout errors:

    if @b.url == ""
        $monthlydata = ["GC311Z-02","GC307Z-02","GC308Z-02","GC309Z-02","GC310A-02"].sample
        assert, $monthlydata).when_present.set

    $monthlymin = ["GC504Z","GC505Z","GC506Z","GC507Z","GC508Z"].sample
    assert, $monthlymin).when_present.set

    $monthlytxt = ["GC313Z-02","GC314Z-02","GC315Z-02","GC316Z-02","GC320Z-02"].sample
    assert, $monthlytxt).when_present.set


Error: test_goproject(TestShoppingCart)

  Watir::Wait::TimeoutError: timed out after 30 seconds, waiting for {:data_sku=
>"GC309Z-02", :tag_name=>"input", :type=>"radio"} to become present

it.rb:33:in `until'

it.rb:106:in `method_missing'

C:/Users/User.Name/Downloads/shoppingcart2.rb:95:in `test_goproject'

     93:                if @b.url == ""
     94:                        $monthlydata = ["GC311Z-02","GC307Z-02","GC308Z-
  => 95:                        assert, $monthlydZtZ).when_pr
     96:                end
     98:                $monthlymin = ["GC504Z","GC505Z","GC506Z","GC507Z","GC50


  • I assume that the radio buttons on your page have html like:

    <input type="radio" data-sku="GC311Z-02" />

    Solution 1 - Data Attribute Locator

    Watir already supports locating elements via custom data attributes. There is no need to do any patching of the normalize_selector method.

    You are correctly defining the data attribute locator when you did:, $monthlydata)

    However, the line:

    Watir::Wait.until {, $monthlydata) }

    Will not do what you expected. Watir::Wait.until will wait until the block evaluates to true. The line, $monthlydata) will always return a truthy value as it is returning a Watir element object (one that has not yet been located). Therefore, wait never waits. The block needs to verify that the element is present:

    Watir::Wait.until {, $monthlydata).present? }

    Though, you could shorten this to: => $monthlydata).wait_until_present

    Or since you want to set the radio button: => $monthlydata).when_present.set

    Solution 2 - Xpath

    While I do not recommend going the xpath route in this scenario, it is possible. The reason that the line:, "//input[@data_sku='$monthlydata']").set

    fails is that $monthlydata is not properly inserted. As written, the xpath says to find a data-sku attribute that has the value "$monthlydata" (not the value that was randomly selected).

    You need to do a string interpolation so that $monthlydata is actually interpreted rather than literal. As well, xpath requires @data-sku instead of @data_sku:, "//input[@data-sku='#{$monthlydata}']").when_present.set