How can I get all the combinations of a list with duplicates. By duplicates I mean an element with itself. I am building a symmetric matrix.
Result is:
V1 V2
1 A B
2 A C
3 B C
When I want:
V1 V2
1 A A
2 A B
3 A C
4 B B
5 B C
6 C C
Or even:
V1 V2
1 A A
2 A B
3 A C
4 B A
5 B B
6 B C
7 C A
8 C B
9 C C
But my matrices are large so I would like to keep combinations to a minimum (so preferably the second result), since more combinations = more computations = larger run times..
It sounds like you're looking for expand.grid
instead of combn
expand.grid(names.list, names.list)
# Var1 Var2
# 1 A A
# 2 B A
# 3 C A
# 4 A B
# 5 B B
# 6 C B
# 7 A C
# 8 B C
# 9 C C
There's also combinations
from "gtools" which would give you your preferred output.
combinations(3, 2, names.list, repeats = TRUE)
# [,1] [,2]
# [1,] "A" "A"
# [2,] "A" "B"
# [3,] "A" "C"
# [4,] "B" "B"
# [5,] "B" "C"
# [6,] "C" "C"