This is my FTP files:
[folder] resources
-> [png] header.png
-> [png] leftpanel.png
-> [png] button_prd.png
-> [png] button_hp.png
[jpg] header.jpg
[png] header.png
[html] index.html
[html] aboutus.html
[png] button_prd.png
[html] contactus.html
[html] products.html
[css] style.css
I know it's a bit messy, but it's only because I can't figure it out. Why my image won't show up.
I've tried using both the direct path:
<img src="header.png">
and using the resources file.
<img src="resources/header.png">
So can anyone help me with why I can't get my image to show?
It's case sensitive. Your file is named Header.png, not header.png
I checked the resources dir to see if I could see the index listing, which I could. Then I saw your Header.png there and took a shot in the dark to see if the one in the root was also called Header.png. Indeed it is.