Many numerical algorithms tend to run on 32/64bit floating points.
However, what if you had access to lower precision (and less power hungry) co-processors? How can then be utilized in numerical algorithms?
Does anyone know of good books/articles that address these issues?
Most of what you are likely to find will be about doing floating-point arithmetic on computers irrespective of the size of the representation of the numbers themselves. The basic issues surround f-p arithmetic apply whatever the number of bits. Off the top of my head these basic issues will be:
In general, the fewer bits you have the sooner you run into problems, but just as there are algorithms which are useful in 32 bits, there are algorithms which are useful in 8 bits. Sometimes the same algorithm is useful however many bits you use.
As @George suggested, you should probably start with a basic text on numerical analysis, though I think the Higham book is not a basic text.