I have a cell array containing 750 "documents" (750 arrays of words within the single cell array). I am trying to concatenate all of the words to make a single array. So far I know I need to use a for loop to iterate through each array and append to the end of the last one, however my code is giving me the wrong answer:
list = cell(1,1);
for i = 1:length(docs)
prevList = list;
list = [prevList;docs{i}];
My thoughts are that my initialisation of list is incorrect as it produces:
[1x1635 char]
[1x1476 char]
[1x531 char]
[1x103 char]
[1x1725 char]
[1x344 char]
[1x463 char]
[1x739 char]
[1x762 char]
[1x1139 char]
[1x89 char]
[1x361 char]
[1x334 char]
[1x520 char]
[1x219 char]
and so forth...
as opposed to a list of words.
If anyone could help me, I would very much appreciate it.
No for
loop needed. Let's use a small example:
str1 = 'The quick brown ';
str2 = 'fox jumped over the ';
str3 = 'lazy dog. '
docs = {str1;str2;str3} % Your cell array containing arrays of text in each row
docs_cat = [docs{:}] % Concatenate
which returns:
docs_cat =
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.