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Facebook login from Samsung SmartTV

I have been experimenting with Samsung and LG smartTV specially for Facebook based login.

After searching rigorously over LG and Samsung dev forum and StackOverflow, I couldn't come up with any solution. Later I created a prototype app with the following strategy -

  • I have a simple application, with a welcome screen and a big "Connect with Facebook" button
  • Once user click over "Connect with Facebook" it redirects to Facebook login page.
  • Later user enters email and password
  • After successful login Facebook redirects back to our online hosted application page with access_token
  • Then we have an angularjs based app which just do some Facebook graph call and show as proof of success.

I have integrated the above strategy in both LG and Samsung TV. LG seems to be working with Emulator, If I use window.NetCastSystemKeyboardVisible(true); which shows the native keyboard on redirected (Facebook login page).

But I couldn't find anything similar to window.NetCastSystemKeyboardVisible(true); for Samsung Smart TV.

So my question is,

Am I doing it right ? Or Am I missing something obvious that someone knows already ?



  • Unfortunately there is no way to set up login on Facebook through a SmartTV for third party applications. At the moment its not available even by accessing FB data using the SSO option. The Facebook app on SmartTV uses the old FB API, now deprecated and available to Samsung by a specific agreement between the two parties.