I am working on the css on a laravel server and I noticed that I have to restart MAMP (working on a Mavericks computer) every time I change even the smallest code for the new code to take effect. I know laravel caches their views, but on another computer running MAMP PRO, I do not have to restart MAMP PRO for the changes to take effect. On yet another computer running MAMP PRO I have the same problem I previously stated, which leads me to believe that I can fix the problem. How would I go about doing so?
Get the version of php you use from the MAMP preferences pane.
Now, you want to edit your php.ini file for that version, and then restart MAMP.
The reason it is caching is because some versions of MAMP by default turn on OPCache.
sudo nano /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/[php-version]/conf/php.ini
Then, look for OPCache towards the end of the php.ini file, and comment out everything relating to it.