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Weblogic 12 with java7 doesnt set nill in JAXBElement

We have application running on weblogic 11g using java 6. Now we want to use use weblogic 12c with java 7 but we have some problem. We are using JAXB to un/marshal soap request. Now when we deploy our application to wls12 we have problem with nillable atribut in element. When I send xml with:

<data:MyElement state="ok" xsi:nil="true"/>

element in my app isnt nill:

element.isNil() return false

JUnit with this test still works so I supposed that there is no problem with java7. This problem occurs just on wls12. How should I fix this problem or at least how should I debug it

thx for help


  • To future generation which will have this problem too:

    When I turn on tracing messages, this problem occurs again.

    By debugging I saw that wls 12 use wls 10 use weblogic.xml.saaj.SOAPMessageImpl

    All I need to do is to add this class to messageFactory:

    <bean id="messageFactory" class="">
        <property name="messageFactory">
            <bean class="weblogic.xml.saaj.MessageFactoryImpl" />