Is it possible to use the python reload command (or similar) on a single module in a standalone cherrypy web app? I have a CherryPy based web application that often is under continual usage. From time to time I'll make an "important" change that only affects one module. I would like to be able to reload just that module immediately, without affecting the rest of the web application. A full restart is, admittedly, fast, however there are still several seconds of downtime that I would prefer to avoid if possible.
Reloading modules is very, very hard to do in a sane way. It leads to the potential of stale objects in your code with impossible-to-interrogate state and subtle bugs. It's not something you want to do.
What real web applications tend to do is to have a server that stays alive in front of their application, such as Apache with mod_proxy, to serve as a reverse proxy. You start your new app server, change your reverse proxy's routing, and only then kill the old app server.
No downtime. No insane, undebuggable code.