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Running android java based command-line utility from adb shell

I'm trying to create a new java command-line utility based on java input command from AOSP: (

I've compiled the jar using mmm and pushed it over to the android device over ADB. I then used ADB shell to execute the command:

export CLASSPATH = /sdcard/input2.jar
exec app_process /

Using a rooted device, this work perfectly, But when I tried to run it on non-rooted device I got this exception on LOGCAT:

E/dalvikvm(31966): Dex cache directory isn't writable: /data/dalvik-cache
I/dalvikvm(31966): Unable to open or create cache for /sdcard/input2.jar (/data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@classes.dex)
E/appproc(31966): ERROR: could not find class ''

Any ideas?



  • With the ADB shell, you can set the dalvik-cache directory to other directory with write permissions.

    Try this before executing your module:

    • mkdir /data/local/tmp/dalvik-cache
    • export ANDROID_DATA=/data/local/tmp