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WorkLight - No suitable EGL configs found

I have an application in worklight and am getting an error when running the application on android. As log below:

02-13 08:19:07.470: W/chromium(942): [] PAC support disabled because there is no system implementation
02-13 08:19:07.590: E/chromium(942): [] No suitable EGL configs found.
02-13 08:19:07.590: E/chromium(942): [] GLSurfaceEGL::InitializeOneOff failed.
02-13 08:19:07.600: E/chromium(942): [] No suitable EGL configs found.
02-13 08:19:07.600: E/chromium(942): [] GLSurfaceEGL::InitializeOneOff failed.
02-13 08:19:07.600: E/chromium(942): [] gfx::GLSurface::InitializeOneOff() failed


  • See if this related question is relevant to you: Avoiding The "No EGLConfig found!" Error

    If you are using an unofficial ROM for your device, this message may appear and there is no way to prevent it.