I have created a JSF application using Myfaces 2.1.12 and Richfaces 4.3.3. On normal browsers the application works fine, but the client insists that he also needs to use a "browser" - IE8, version 8.0.7601. I am having a bunch of problems.
I have a rich:extendedDataTable on the main form. Clicking a row is to open a popup with the details (that is rendered and filled with the data from the selected row). The popup can also be called from a toolbar, this way it displays the details of the row that was selected when the page was first loaded.
The table is defined as follows (column definition removed for clarity)
<rich:extendedDataTable id="table" rowClass="row" rows="15"
value="#{scheduleController.allSchedules}" var="schedule" selectionMode="single"
selection="#{scheduleListBean.selectedSchedule.selection}" clientRows="15">
<a4j:ajax render="scheduleDetails, toolbar, transferListPopup" event="selectionchange"
The popup contains a couple of panel grids, one of wich contains some buttons.
<h:panelGrid columns="2" styleClass="alignTop" id="scheduleDetails">
<rich:panel header="#{generalProperties.controls}">
<h:panelGrid columns="4">
<a4j:commandLink styleClass="btn" type="button"
render="table@body, transferDetailsPanel, destinationPanel, datesPanel"
oncomplete="if (#{facesContext.maximumSeverity == null}) #{rich:component('scheduleDetailsPopup')}.hide()"
status="pleaseWait" action="#{scheduleController.saveSchedule}"
value="#{generalProperties.save}" />
<h:commandButton class="btn" action="#{scheduleController.changeScheduleStatus}"
value="#{applicationProperties.changeStatus}" status="pleaseWait" type="button"
disabled="#{scheduleController.currentSchedule.id == null}">
<rich:componentControl target="changeScheduleStatusPopup" operation="show" />
<h:commandButton class="btn" value="#{generalProperties.delete}" status="pleaseWait" type="button"
disabled="#{scheduleController.currentSchedule.id == null}">
<rich:componentControl target="removeSchedulePopup" operation="show" />
<a4j:commandButton styleClass="btn" type="button"
render="fileTable, transferDetailsPanel, destinationPanel, datesPanel"
disabled="#{scheduleController.currentSchedule.id == null}"
oncomplete="if (#{facesContext.maximumSeverity == null}) #{rich:component('transferListPopup')}.show()"
status="pleaseWait" value="#{applicationProperties.transferHistory}" />
The disabled="#{scheduleController.currentSchedule.id == null}" part checks the bean if anything is selected as the popup is also used to add new rows.
Everything works fine on firefox. On IE8:
What am I missing?
The answer was in the question itself. I rebuilt the UI so that no buttons are rendered in ajax requests. This way it works both on IE 8 and IE 9.
Ie.: Instead of setting the disabled attribute based on a bean and rendering the buttons I had to use two instances of each of those buttons. I did that by extracting a form into a composite component using composite:insertChildren just to inject buttons in the proper state and having two instances of the form on the page, showing the right one when the user clicked new schedule / edit schedule.
The drawback of this method is that I had to set the render attribute of the components that show the popup to something different then forms (in this case - panels), which would be an issue if I used Mojarra (see this question: javax.faces.ViewState is missing after ajax render)