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Averaging a continuous measurement of meteorological parameters on R

I am quite new to R, and I am trying to find a way to average continuous data into a specific period of time.

My data is a month recording of several parameters with 1s time steps The table via read.csv has a date and time in one column and several other columns with values.

TimeStamp UTC   Pitch   Roll    Heave(m)
05-02-13 6:45   0   0   0
05-02-13 6:46   0.75    -0.34   0.01
05-02-13 6:47   0.81    -0.32   0
05-02-13 6:48   0.79    -0.37   0
05-02-13 6:49   0.73    -0.08   -0.02

So I want to average the data in specific intervals: 20 min for example in a way that the average for hour 7:00, takes all the points from hour 6:41 to 7:00 and returns the average in this interval and so on for the entire dataset. The time interval will look like this :

05-02-13 19:00  462
05-02-13 19:20  332
05-02-13 19:40  15
05-02-13 20:00  10
05-02-13 20:20  42


  • Here is a reproducible dataset similar to your own.

    meteorological <- data.frame(
      TimeStamp ="05-02-13", 1440),
      UTC       = paste(
        rep(formatC(0:23, width = 2, flag = "0"), each = 60),
        rep(formatC(0:59, width = 2, flag = "0"), times = 24),
        sep = ":"
      Pitch     = runif(1440),
      Roll      = rnorm(1440),
      Heave     = rnorm(1440)

    The first thing that you need to do is to combine the first two columns to create a single (POSIXct) date-time column.

    meteorological$DateTime <- with(
      dmy_hm(paste(TimeStamp, UTC))

    Then set up a sequence of break points for your different time groupings.

    breaks <- seq(ymd("2013-02-05"), ymd("2013-02-06"), "20 mins")

    Finally, you can calculate the summary statistics for each group. There are many ways to do this. ddply from the plyr package is a good choice.

      .(cut(DateTime, breaks)),
      MeanPitch = mean(Pitch),
      MeanRoll  = mean(Roll),
      MeanHeave = mean(Heave)