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QML - Imperative code not supported

Can someone comment on the fact that for QML, any imperative JavaScript code is not executed unless it is part of an extra component. I am facing such kind of problem when I include the following code to my QML:

function qmlSlot(text){

As the Qt Designer get frozen and shows the following warning:

Imperative code is not supported in the Qt Quick Designer

I read that building qmlpuppet installs an executable for rendering components in the /bin directory of the Qt building it. Qt Quick Designer checks for the Qt of the current project if a qmlpuppet is in the /bin directory. If yes it takes the qmlpuppet provided by the Qt version instead of the one provided by Qt Creator itself. In my case I haven't used the Qt static binary install, but instead built Qt from the source, thus qmlpuppet executable was generated and is already located at:

-rwxr-xr-x  1 qml2puppet
-rwxr-xr-x  1 qmlpuppet

So, the executable qmlpuppet is placed where is expected to be found and still this annoying message continues.

The workaround I took at moment is to comment out any so called "Imperative code" for when I want to edit the front-end QML using Qt Designer. Then after take out those comments to have the "Imperative code" activated again. But this is very annoying, although the code compile and works as I expected it to behave.

So, should I get worried about this warning? Anyway, there is some mean to get rid of this problem, as it froze the Qt Designer?


  • This is currently a reported QtCreator Bug :

    So don't be worried about the warning, it will be fix