Can somebody help me adding a leading zero do my countdown JavaScript. Tried like 3 hours and now i getting crazy... Here is the clean countdown without any wierd codings I did:
<script type="text/javascript">
var strTargetDate = "05/16/2014 12:00 AM";
var strFormat = "$DAYS$ $HOURS$ $MINUTES$ $SECONDS$";
var strExpired = "DONE";
function doCountDown(seconds)
if (seconds < 0)
document.getElementById("countdown").innerHTML = strExpired;
var strMsg = strFormat;
strMsg = strMsg.replace("$DAYS$", ((Math.floor(seconds/86400))%100000).toString());
strMsg = strMsg.replace("$HOURS$", ((Math.floor(seconds/3600))%24).toString());
strMsg = strMsg.replace("$MINUTES$", ((Math.floor(seconds/60))%60).toString());
strMsg = strMsg.replace("$SECONDS$", ((Math.floor(seconds))%60).toString());
document.getElementById("countdown").innerHTML = strMsg;
setTimeout("doCountDown(" + (seconds-1).toString() + ")", 1000);
function initCountDown()
var dtTarget = new Date(strTargetDate);
var dtNow = new Date();
var dtDiff = new Date(dtTarget-dtNow);
var totalSeconds = Math.floor(dtDiff.valueOf()/1000);
It's a simple matter of detecting if the value is too small and, if it is, prefix it yourself.
Something like replacing:
strMsg = strMsg.replace("$SECONDS$", ((Math.floor(seconds))%60).toString());
var secs_str = ((Math.floor(seconds)) % 60).toString();
if (secs_str.length < 2) {
strMsg = strMsg.replace("$SECONDS$", "0" + secs_str);
} else {
strMsg = strMsg.replace("$SECONDS$", secs_str);
Note I haven't tested that code but you should get the basic idea.