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Annotation issue in Hateoas PHP library

I'm having an issue with a Hateoas library for PHP.

I have a Doctrine Entity where I want add an exclusion annotation to the relation annotation as shown by an example in the documentation If I do this I get the following error:

[Semantical Error] Annotation @Hateoas\Exclusion is not allowed to be declared on class My\Entity\Order. You may only use this annotation on these code elements: ANNOTATION

Does anybody know how to fix this? Or is it a bug or bad documentation?

The Entity:


namespace My\Entity;

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Hateoas\Configuration\Annotation as Hateoas;
use JMS\Serializer\Annotation as Serializer;

 * @ORM\Entity
 * @ORM\Table(name="`order`")
 * @ORM\HasLifecycleCallbacks
 * @Hateoas\Relation(
 *      "self",
 *      href = "expr('/order/' ~ object.getId())"),
 *      exclusion = @Hateoas\Exclusion(
 *          groups = {"production"}
 *      )
 * )
 * @Hateoas\Relation(
 *      "self",
 *      href = "expr('/production/' ~ object.getId())"),
 *      exclusion = @Hateoas\Exclusion(
 *          groups = {"order"}
 *      )
 * )
class Order



  • It seemed that I closed the Relation annotation to early.

    Updated entity:

    namespace My\Entity;
    use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
    use Hateoas\Configuration\Annotation as Hateoas;
    use JMS\Serializer\Annotation as Serializer;
     * @ORM\Entity
     * @ORM\Table(name="`order`")
     * @ORM\HasLifecycleCallbacks
     * @Hateoas\Relation(
     *      "self",
     *      href = "expr('/order/' ~ object.getId())",
     *      exclusion = @Hateoas\Exclusion(
     *          groups = {"production"}
     *      )
     * )
     * @Hateoas\Relation(
     *      "self",
     *      href = "expr('/production/' ~ object.getId())",
     *      exclusion = @Hateoas\Exclusion(
     *          groups = {"order"}
     *      )
     * )
    class Order