I am writing now a flash game and I run into a an issue. I have a map for the game which is defined as a 2-D array, where each element represents a component of the map. The player is always in the center of the map.
The problem is when the player reaches one end of the map. Now it is empty space. I want that the player instead of seeing the empty space, to see another end of the map and in this way, the map will loo like it goes around.
So for example if the player goes to right he will eventually start seeing the the left side of the map and the world will look continuous.
Does anyone knows how to implement this functionality?
You could make the array 2 times and put the first one behind the second one again and than the second one behind the first etc etc..
It's done here with 2 pictures, just use the arrays instead:
//The speed of the scroll movement.
var scrollSpeed:uint = 2;
//This adds two instances of the movie clip onto the stage.
var s1:ScrollBg = new ScrollBg();
var s2:ScrollBg = new ScrollBg();
//This positions the second movieclip next to the first one.
s1.x = 0;
s2.x = s1.width;
//Adds an event listener to the stage.
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveScroll);
//This function moves both the images to left. If the first and second
//images goes pass the left stage boundary then it gets moved to
//the other side of the stage.
function moveScroll(e:Event):void{
s1.x -= scrollSpeed;
s2.x -= scrollSpeed;
if(s1.x < -s1.width){
s1.x = s1.width;
}else if(s2.x < -s2.width){
s2.x = s2.width;