We are integrating our lotus notes applications with Active Directory for authentication and mailing.
Authentication works fine and once logged it return the name in the below format
CN=Arumugam, Barath/OU=Users/OU=Region - North America/DC=mhf/DC=mhc
However there is no attribute in active directory which matches the above format. The closest match is attribute called distinguishedName. It is in below format.
CN=Arumugam\, Barath,OU=Users,OU=Region - North America,DC=mhf,DC=mhc
Is there a way I can convert distinguishedName to domino names in SSJS or @formula. I am not sure how domino automatically converts to the first format after login. I hope there should be someway.
Using Directory Assistance you can set up username mapping. See http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/domhelp/v8r0/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.help.domino.admin85.doc%2FH_CONFIGURING_DIRECTORY_LOOKUPS_WHEN_DOMINO_HANDLES_AUTHENTICATION_AND_USERS_ARE_MANAGED_PRIMARILY_THROUGH_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY_STEPS.html