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Magento hide / remove prices from transactional emails

  • I am trying to hide / remove prices from within magento transactional emails.

    • I have been able to hide the prices from the everywhere else in the
      cart via css but not the emails.

    • I have tried commenting out the code that renders the price but it
      seems mag needs this code to send the emails.

Any help would be appreciated.



  • The default .phtml files for the order emails that display prices are saved in




    To remove prices from these emails, look through them for references to the function formatPrice and remove the surrounding HTML. If you remove the entire "Subtotal" <td>, then you'll want to also remove the "Subtotal" heading <th> from


    Ideally you should avoid modifying the original files and would instead copy the files to your own theme folder and make your changes to the copy.