I'm using Zend_Filter_Input on my magic getter / setter methods to validate my input and cast fields to the type I desire. The validation portion is working great, but it's like the filters aren't triggering at all. Here is the relevant logic from my model:
public function getFilters() {
$filters = array(
'*' => array('StringTrim'),
'email_opt_in' => array('Boolean'),
'admin' => array('Boolean'),
'active' => array('Boolean'),
'phone' => array('Digits'),
'activated' => array('Boolean'),
'id' => array('Int'),
'birthyear' => array('Int'),
'username' => array('StringToLower')
return $filters;
public function getValidators() {
$validators = array(
'email' => array('EmailAddress'),
'username' => array('Alnum'),
'first' => array('Alpha'),
'last' => array('Alpha'),
'birthyear' => array('Digits'),
'phone' => array('Digits')
return $validators;
public function __set($name, $value) {
if (!array_key_exists($name,$this->_data)) {
throw new Exception('Unknown property: ' . $name);
$input = new Zend_Filter_Input($this->getFilters(), $this->getValidators(), array($name => $value));
if ($input->isValid()) {
if (isset($input->$name)) {
$this->_data[$name] = $input->$name;
} else {
$this->_data[$name] = $value;
} else {
throw new Exception('The following fields contain invalid values: ' . implode(',',array_keys($input->getInvalid())));
And yet, the output comes out like this:
object(MyApp_Model_User)#19 (1) {
array(15) {
string(1) "4"
string(19) "example@example.com"
string(32) "594851275f207072b172d7508f037d78"
string(6) "jdoe"
string(4) "Joe"
string(5) "Doe"
string(10) "1112223333"
string(5) "55555"
string(4) "1984"
string(4) "male"
string(10) "2008-03-11"
string(1) "1"
string(1) "1"
Sorry for the long paste, but I feel it's relevant to understand the problem.
I have replicated this exact functionality and have realized that the Validators must be set in order for the field to be treated, although I have noticed that the Boolean Filter would return 1 as a string and not true, and null for false but I will be diving deeper at a later time. Please try to set NotEmpty validators for the rest of the fields.