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web-runner for jbehave: is there a way to manage the stories in the web?

I'd like to have my pre-existed jbehave stories to be displayed in some web app, and to make it possible for the business people to create and to save the modified stories in the web UI, as well as run it via the web UI.

I have tried the jbehave web-runner (, but there is no way to save the tests and to manage the via the web. Is there some solution that makes it possible to

 1) manage the hierarchy of jbeahave stories
 2) edit jbehave stories on the manner of FitNesse and save the versioning (via svn)
 3) run the stories and display the run results in the web interface?

PS yes, I believed jbehave web-runner it was created to do such things, but i can't see it properly working: when i start it, i don't see in the web interface the trader.story, existing in code; when I submit the story and run it i get

Generating reports view to     'C:\jbehave-web\examples\trader-runner\target\jbehave' 
  using formats '[]' and view properties '{defaultFormats=stats, decorateNonHtml=true,
  viewDirectory=view, decorated=ftl/jbehave-report-decorated.ftl, reports=ftl/jbehave-
  reports-with-totals.ftl, maps=ftl/jbehave-maps.ftl, navigator=ftl/jbehave-navigator.
  ftl, views=ftl/jbehave-views.ftl, nonDecorated=ftl/jbehave-report-non-decorated.ftl}'
  Reports view generated with 0 stories (of which 0 pending) containing 0 scenarios 
  (of which 0 pending)

when I go to view story:


and try to download the txt output, i get

  C:\jbehave-web\examples\trader-runner\target\classes\web-20140213-125844.txt (The
     system cannot find the file specified)

so, what the problem to run it?


  • I have ran the JBehave-Web app myself recently and I am pretty sure it allows you to add and save new stories. The user web interface leaves much to be desired, but on a basic level, it is capable of what you say. See the "trader runner" example.