I know how to override a Rails template in a gem, but how can I override gem generator template in a Rails application
e.g.: https://github.com/elabs/pundit/blob/master/lib/generators/pundit/policy/templates/policy.rb
so that rails g decorator Foo
would generate my template, not the gem native one
From Rails guide on generators:
In Rails 3.0 and above, generators don't just look in the source root for templates, they also search for templates in other paths. And one of them is lib/templates.
So, if you mimic the directory hierarchy of the gem/tamplate you are trying to override, rails will pick your template instead of the ones in the gem source
Now, the question is how to correctly mimic that hierarchy so rails pick your template up?
Well it turned out there is some kind of a rule | pattern for that, for example if you want to override a template in this path: lib/generators/pundit/policy/templates/policy.rb
You should place your template in lib/templates/pundit/policy/policy.rb
To override lib/generators/rails/templates/decorator.rb
You should place your template in lib/templates/rails/decorator/decorator.rb
Update 2
It seems that the pattern is flowing: lib/templates/gem_name/generator_name/template_file_name.rb
In case of Draper gem, the gem is enforcing itself to act like native Rails generator:
...so that's why we needed to use:
To override RSpec template generator of a Draper gem:
...and so on