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Extract the email addresses from a block of text containing strictly formatted, delimited values

I have an ICS file that will be uploaded in my server when a meeting created in google calendar, yahoo calendar, etc.... I have parsed date, organizer, etc,. from the ics file. But i can't able to get the attendees list. Below is the code will be in the ICS file.



  [email protected]
ATTENDEE;RSVP=TRUE:mailto:[email protected]

ATTENDEE;RSVP=TRUE:mailto:[email protected]

ATTENDEE;RSVP=TRUE:mailto:[email protected]


From the above code, I need the email ID's associated with mailto parameter. Please help me to achieve this.

$cal = file_get_contents("ics_files/outlook.ics");
$cal = str_replace("\n", "", $cal);
preg_match_all('/mailto:(.*?)ATTENDEE/', $cal, $attendees);


  • If you remove the pre-formatting line that removes newlines (\n) from the ics data, a straightforward regex can be used:


    The /s tells the regex-engine to match newline characters with the .. If you wanted to drop the /s, you could instead use:


    Using PHP's preg_match_all():

    preg_match_all('/mailto:(.*?)(?:ATTENDEE;|CLASS:)/s', $cal, $attendees);

    The output:

    Array (
        [0] => xxxxxxx
      [email protected]
        [1] => [email protected]
        [2] => [email protected]
        [3] => [email protected]

    You can then iterate over the $attendees[1] array and apply any email-address logic / formatting you wish.


    foreach ($attendees[1] as $attendee) {
        // remove any extra spaces/newlines from the address
        $attendee = trim(preg_replace('/\s\s+/', ' ', str_replace("\n", ' ', $attendee)));
        // split the address into any available name/email-address combination
        $address = explode(' ', $attendee);
        echo $address[0];
        if (!empty($address[1])) {
            // there is a name/email-address combination available
            echo ' <' . $address[1] . '>';
        echo "\n";


    xxxxxxx <[email protected]>
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]