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CSS Specificity: Unexpected behaviour

I have been following this article on CSS specifity. It assigns values to selectors and the selector with the highest sum of values will have precedence.

An id has a value of 100. a class has a value of 10.

My problem is in this example I tried.


<div id="id" class="a b c d e f g h i j k l">What color?</div>


/* calculated specificity: 100 */

/* calculated specificity: 120 */

I expected the div to be green since 12 classes would have a value of 120. But it is red when I run it. Is there a problem with my calculation?



  • ID trumps class specificity as MDN states:

    The following list of selectors is by increasing specificity:

    • Universal selectors
    • Type selectors
    • Class selectors
    • Attributes selectors
    • Pseudo-classes
    • ID selectors
    • Inline style

    The specificity calculation can be a bit confusing, but you need to remember, as the W3 states, that when calculating the specificity that you concatenate, not add the numbers together.

    So for example:

    • #id has a specificity = 0,1,0,0
    • .a.b.c.d.e.f.g.h.i.j.k.l has a specificity = 0,0,12,0

    So yes, the ID will trump the pure class selection every time.