I am using optparse
to get command line input.
Lets say that I am running a script demo.py
and it creates some output. But unless I specify the command line input, the output is not written to a file.
I am trying to do the following:
python demo.py
in command line should run the script, but not write the output anywhere.
python demo.py -o
in command line should write the output to my default file name output.txt
python demo.py -o demooutput.txt
in command line should write the output to file demooutput.txt
PS: I would not prefer to switch to argparse
from optparse
You can use optparse-callbacks to achieve this.
Here is how it wiill work for your use case.
parser.add_option("-o", action="callback", dest="output", callback=my_callback)
def my_callback(option, opt, value, parser):
if len(parser.rargs) > 0:
next_arg = parser.rargs[0]
if not next_arg.startswith("-"):
# Next argument is not another option
del parser.rargs[0]
setattr(parser.values, option.dest, next_arg)
# If not processed, set the default value
setattr(parser.values, option.dest, "output.txt")