I'm trying to add preconditions to a SQL formatted changeset in Liquibase 3.1.1
--preconditions onFail=HALT onError=HALT
--precondition-sql-check expectedResult=0 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM USER_ERRORS WHERE TYPE = 'PROCEDURE'
--changeset myteam:101 runAlways:true
Liquibase raises this error when I run a status:
Liquibase status Failed: Could not parse a SqlCheck precondition from 'expectedResult=0 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM USER_ERRORS WHERE TYPE = '
What's wrong with that precondition syntax?
There needs to be a colon instead of an equals char after "expectedResult".
So the line should be:
--precondition-sql-check expectedResult:0 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM USER_ERRORS WHERE TYPE = 'PROCEDURE'
Then it should work.
EDIT: (Documentation was updated. See Nathans comment.)
This is also wrong on the liquibase documentation for the Formatted SQL Changelogs.