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Tips for optimization (THEOS)

i am writing my first tweak for iOS using theos and I am stuck at optimization.As i can see,dylib will check every time(every second?) "([[settings objectForKey:@"something"] boolValue])" and "[[settings objectForKey:@"SomethingHere"] boolValue]" in plist file.

Is it OK? Any suggestion for optimization? Here is my tweak :

%hook Something
- (void)somethingheree:(_Bool)arg1 withNumberOfDevices:(int)arg2
    NSMutableDictionary *settings = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:
                                [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/Library/Preferences/%@", NSHomeDirectory(), @"com.yourcompany.mytweak.plist"]];

       if([[settings objectForKey:@"something"] boolValue]) {
    else %orig;


%hook somethinganother
- (void)somethinghere:(_Bool)arg1
    NSMutableDictionary *settings = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:
                                [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/Library/Preferences/%@", NSHomeDirectory(), @"com.yourcompany.mytweak.plist"]];
       if([[settings objectForKey:@"SomethingHere"] boolValue]) {
    } else %orig;


  • If you are using PreferenceLoader for your preferences panel, you can save the value in a global variable and use darwin notifications to monitor the changes of preferences. You can find a lot examples in open source tweaks, such as one of mine: