I'm writing a little program to produce a bunch of BINGO cards.
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import landscape, letter
from reportlab.lib.units import inch
import random
def set_ranges():
r = {
"b": [1, 15, 0],
"i": [16, 30, 0],
"n": [31, 45, 0],
"g": [46, 60, 0],
"o": [61, 75, 0]
return r
def set_canvas():
c = canvas.Canvas("bingo.pdf")
c.setFont('Helvetica-Bold', 14)
print type(c)
return c
def print_card(ranges, canvas):
# Set a page gutter
gutter = 1 * inch
x = gutter
y = 8.5 * inch - 2 * gutter
# First draw the letters themselves
for letter in "bingo":
canvas.drawString(x, y, letter)
# Print X and Y to troubleshoot
# print('%s, %d, %d' % (letter, x, y))
# Add the X value for each letter to the dictionary
ranges[letter][2] = x
x = x + 1 * inch
y_reset = y - 1 * inch
# Then pull the numbers for each square
for letter in "bingo":
row = random.sample(range(ranges[letter][0], ranges[letter][1] + 1), 5)
if letter == "n":
row[2] = "FREE"
x = ranges[letter][2]
y = y_reset
for col in row:
# Print X and Y to troubleshoot
# print('%d, %d, %d' % (col, x, y))
canvas.drawString(x, y, str(col))
y = y - 1 * inch
I still have some work to do ("FREE" should be centered! and I need to draw lines) but this basically works. I do r = set_ranges()
and c = set_canvas()
and then for i in range (1,25): print_card(r,c)
to create a PDF full of basic cards.
But after the first page, the font ceases to be bold. Where would it be getting reset?
What version of ReportLab are you using? Version 1.1.0 (2012-12-18) has a bug that resets fonts before rendering sometimes...