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Improving select speed - mysql - very large tables

Newbie to MySQL and SQL in general - so please be gentle :-)

I have a table with a very high number of rows. The table is:

create table iostat (
pkey     int not null auto_increment,
serverid int not null,
datestr  char(15) default 'NULL',
esttime  int not null default 0,

rs       float not null default 0.0,
ws       float not null default 0.0,
krs      float not null default 0.0,
kws      float not null default 0.0,
wait     float not null default 0.0,
actv     float not null default 0.0,
wsvct    float not null default 0.0,
asvct    float not null default 0.0,
pctw     int not null default 0,
pctb     int not null default 0,
device   varchar(50),
avgread  float not null default 0.0,
avgwrit  float not null default 0.0,

primary key (pkey),

index i_serverid (serverid),
index i_esttime (esttime),
index i_datestr (datestr),
index i_rs (rs),
index i_ws (ws),
index i_krs (krs),
index i_kws (kws),
index i_wait (wait),
index i_actv (actv),
index i_wsvct (wsvct),
index i_asvct (asvct),
index i_pctb (pctb),
index i_device (device),
index i_servdate (serverid, datestr),
index i_servest (serverid, esttime)

engine = MyISAM
data directory = '${IOSTATdatadir}'
index directory = '${IOSTATindexdir}'

Right now the table has 834,317,203 rows.

Yes - I need all the data. The highest level organization of the data is by the collection date (datestr). It is a CHAR instead of a date to preserve the specific date format I use for the various load, extract, and analysis scripts.

Each day adds about 16,000,000 rows.

One of the operations I would like to speed up is (Limit is generally 50 but ranges from 10 to 250):

create table TMP_TopLUNsKRead
    krs, device, datestr, esttime
  order by
    krs desc limit ${Limit};


serverid = 29 and esttime between X and Y and device like '%t%'

where X and Y are timestamps spanning anywhere from 4 minutes to 24 hours.

I'd prefer to not change the DB engine. This lets me put data and indexes on separate drives which gave me significant overall performance. It's also a total of 1.6 billion rows, which would take an insane amount of time to reload.


  • device like '%t%'

    This is the killer. The leading % means it is a search of the whole column, or index if it's indexed, not an index lookup. See if you can do without the leading %.