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D3 Brush Extent Inverted

So the issue I'm seeing is that. When using a timescale and setting a brush extent. Most of the time its fine. But there is an area that becomes very goofed.

In this plunker I set the brush end to reposition the extent into the brush

Here are the important snippets:

Setting the scale:

  chartXScale = d3.time.scale().range([0, brushWidth]).domain([
    new Date("Tue Feb 11 2014 14:37:00 GMT-0500 (EST)"),
    new Date("Tue Feb 11 2014 16:37:00 GMT-0500 (EST)")]);

Setting the Extent:

var stringStartTime = "Tue Feb 11 2014 14:59:00 GMT-0500 (EST)",
    stringEndTime = "Tue Feb 11 2014 15:07:00 GMT-0500 (EST)";
    new Date(stringStartTime),
    new Date(stringEndTime)

I thought I must just be doing it wrong and have been working for a day to trace what I'm doing wrong, now I'm not to sure.

I posted a bug report with d3 incase I'm not doing something wrong.



    Your brushWidth was a string. Add the "+" in front to change it to an int.

    chartXScale = d3.time.scale().range([0, +brushWidth]).domain([
      new Date("Tue Feb 11 2014 14:37:00 GMT-0500 (EST)"),
      new Date("Tue Feb 11 2014 16:37:00 GMT-0500 (EST)")