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How to specify resolution and rejection type of the promise in JSDoc?

I have some code that returns a promise object, e.g. using Q library for NodeJS.

var Q = require('q');

 * @returns ???
function task(err) {
    return err? Q.reject(new Error('Some error')) : Q.resolve('Some result');

How to document such a return value using JSDoc?


  • Even if they don't exist in Javascript, I found that JSdoc understands "generic types".

    So you can define your custom types and then use /* @return Promise<MyType> */. The following result in a nice TokenConsume(token) → {Promise.<Token>} with a link to your custom Token type in the doc.

     * @typedef Token
     * @property {bool} valid True if the token is valid.
     * @property {string} id The user id bound to the token.
     * Consume a token
     * @param  {string} token [description]
     * @return {Promise<Token>} A promise to the token.
    TokenConsume = function (string) {
      // bla bla

    It even works with /* @return Promise<MyType|Error> */ or /* @return Promise<MyType, Error> */.