I'm in the process of building a volunteer based translation engine for a new site built in Rails 4.0. Since it's volunteer based, there is always the possibility that a user may enter a translation that others do not agree with, accidentally remove a translation, etc. In such an event, I would like to give users the option to revert to a previous translation.
I did some searching around but have yet to find a solution aside from writing my own I18n backend. Is there a simpler way of storing previous versions of translations?
I'm currently using Sven Fuchs' Active Record as a backend, however I'm seriously thinking about switching due to possible performance issues later on down the road.
We had a very successful experience using Globalize (github page: https://github.com/globalize/globalize) and as for the versioning part we didn't try it but Globalize does have support for that in a seperate gem github page: (https://github.com/globalize/globalize-versioning)
After tens of painful gem experiences, i found that comparing gems by last update date and how frequent is new releases, bugs fixes and support is a major factor to decide which one will make your life easier and which one won't.
You can use Globalize to dynamically translate views (check tutorial) but i came across a github project called iye. I think it suits your needs best (github page: https://github.com/firmafon/iye)