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How to integrate ActiveMQ with Dell Boomi

I have a tough time integrating the ActiveMQ using Dell Boomi as the Dell Boomi documentation is old and may be misleading too sometimes. As I could not find a good suggestion on the web I am putting my query here. Can someone please help with the steps of how to integrate ActiveMQ with Boomi?


  • With below steps I got it working--

    1. Copy activemq-core-5.4.3.jar and geronimo-j2ee-management_1.1_spec-1.0.1.jar files from your ActiveMQ to your Atom/usrlib/database (create if not there) directory.
    2. Create a jndi property file and place in ActiveMQ home directory. Reference this.

    You might get NoClassDefFound error for JMS/Topic etc, means your Boomi lib does not have the implementation for that. You need to copy activemq-all-5.4.3.jar from ActiveMQ home folder to Atom/lib.

    I am not specifying how to create JMS Connection and Operation in boomi however, below properties you can use for JMS conneciton in Boomi--

    1. Connection Factory JNDI Lookup: ConnectionFactory.
    2. Initial Context Factory: org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory (default).
    3. Provider URL: tcp://localhost:61616 (Default port).

    JMS Operation--

    Destination : dynamicQueues/Dell_Boomi (Dynamic will create a queue if not existing).

    That's all, try your luck and share your experience!