I'm having issues with the foloowing code and I can't seem to find much information to help me sort it out. I'm trying to write some filenames from a directory to a datset, then create a zip file of those files. It works fine until I reach the data step with the infile statement. I received the following error...
ERROR: No logical assign for filename DIRLIST.
Here is my code...
%macro get_filenames(location);
filename _dir_ "%bquote(&location.)";
data filenames(keep=fname);
handle=dopen( '_dir_' );
if handle > 0 then do;
do i=1 to count;
output filenames;
filename _dir_ clear;
data dirlist;
set filenames;
where fname like 'scra%.txt';
ods package(testfile) open nopf;
data _null_;
infile dirlist pad lrecl=80;
input @1 filename $80.;
call execute
(' ',
'ods package(testfile)',
'add file=',
quote('c:\temp\' || trim(filename)),
ods package(testfile) publish archive
archive_path='c:\temp\' );
ods package(testfile) close;
I think SAS is complaining about the following in your code:
data _null_;
infile dirlist pad lrecl=80;
Infile in this context is expecting a FILENAME reference the kind you have at filename _dir_ "%bquote(&location.)";
It does not understand that you want to use the dataset dirlist
Replace the above code snippet with the following:
data _null_;
SET dirlist;