Search code examples

How do I programatically clear the HasSelection property of the WebGrid?

Self explanatory question.

Between posts, the grid I have setup is retaining the HasSelection bit, even if the WebGrid has been re-loaded with new data. Therefore, the functionality I have wired into the physical selection of a WebGrid record runs, even though the user hasn't selected anything on the new resultset yet.



  • WebGrid obtains the selected row thru the query string. by default, the query string field is row like http://localhost/grid?row=2

    Ideally, you would remove that query string field before posting back like so http://localhost/grid

    If it is not possible, set WebGrid.SelectedIndex to -1 instead.


    Here are few ways to set WebGrid.SelectedIndex:

        WebGrid grid = new WebGrid(Model);
        grid.SelectedIndex = ViewBag.SelectedIndex;
            columns: grid.Columns(
    public ActionResult Index(int? row)
        ViewBag.SelectedIndex = (IsKeepSelection() ? row.GetValueOrDefault() : 0) - 1; //TODO: add bound checking
        return View(People.GetPeople());

    Or (I prefer the previous one though since it's easier to understand):

        WebGrid grid = new WebGrid(Model);
        if(ViewBag.ClearSelection) {
            grid.SelectedIndex = -1;
            columns: grid.Columns(
    public ActionResult Index(int? row)
        ViewBag.ClearSelection = IsClearSelection();
        return View(People.GetPeople());