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How to make wxPython frame stands long?

I am using wxPython to display a graphical output in a wx.Frame. with in a class. Here is my code:

class X():

    def uniform_output(self):

    def GraphiclaOutput(self):
        self._app = wx.App()
        self._frame = wx.Frame(None, self._app, 0, 'Graphical Output', size = (800, 600))

When I run my code, I create an instance of class X, and it will call its function GraphicalOutput(). However, when the graphical frame should show up, it merely flashed on the screen and disappeared.

May I know how to make the frame stay on the screen until I turn it off?



  • Seems the parameter is not correct when you create the Frame. Did you see any error in the console?

    Maybe you can try this:

    frame = wx.Frame(None, -1, 'Graphical Output', size = (800, 600))