I have this issue with Xcode 5 where I'm trying to commit a file to a remote git repository (BitBucket) and getting a pop up window with the following error: "The repository "project_name" could not be reached. Please verify that the repository is online and reachable and try again."
I've been working with this setup for awhile now (since Xcode 4) and didn't have any problems with it. Under Xcode->Preferences->Accounts->Repositories I saw the correct repository, but duplicated. I deleted and added it again, but it didn't help. I tried closing the project and rebooting the computer and it didn't help either. I can see the project's history under Source Control->History. I can access the repository on BitBucket.
Any idea where this is coming from and how to solve this issue?
Well it seems this had nothing to do with Bitbucket.
The problem was a messed up .git folder on my machine. My project resides in a Dropbox folder. Somehow, perhaps because of accessing it from different machines, it created copy/duplicate files in the .git folder and it messed up Git. After fixing all the conflicts Git returned to working as usual and I was able to commit from Xcode to the remote repository.
Now, if you encounter this issue, you might not have the same setup as mine or work on Dropbox or any similar service, but I strongly recommend checking your Git folder thoroughly. Good chance something is messed up there.