I'm not sure if this is possible. My class I have a list of looks like this:
class Person
string Firstname
string Lastname
DateTime Timestamp
Now I would like to create groups by Firstname and Lastname.
Further more I would like to sort this groups by their Timestamp, the last should be first while the groups should stay to display them in a listView.
Markus Fert (Group Header)
11:23 (Content Element)
John Deer
Tom Kin
John Deer
Tom Kin
Hope any Linq genius can help me solving the problem :) Thanks!!
Much Thanks to Sergey, worked like a charm!
Further I would like to create a custom Class for my group Key to display different additional things in my ListView headers. (not only a spliced together string)
I would like to assign my query to an IEnumerable like this:
IEnumerable<IGrouping<Header, Person>> PersonGroups
Where the header contains some other properties contained in each Person (e.g. there is also a Country, Age,... for each Person). Maybe you can help me there too?
Thanks again Sergey. Solved my problem by implementing an Header class which implements the ICompareable interface.
IEnumerable<IGrouping<Header, Person>> PersonGroups
public class Header: IComparable<Header>
public Header(string firstname, string lastname)
Firstname= firstname;
Lastname = lastname;
public string Firstname{ get; set; }
public string Lastname{ get; set; }
public int CompareTo(Header that)
if (this.Firstname == that.Firstname&& this.Lastname == that.Lastname)
return 0;
return -1;
My query now looks like this:
PersonGroups= persons.OrderByDescending(p => p.Timestamp)
.GroupConsecutive(p => new Header(p.Firstname, p.Lastname));
Actually you need to order results by timestamp first. And only then group this ordered sequence by consecutive people:
var query =
people.OrderByDescending(p => p.Timestamp.TimeOfDay)
.GroupConsecutive(p => String.Format("{0} {1}", p.Firstname, p.Lastname))
.Select(g => new {
Header = g.Key,
Content = String.Join("\n", g.Select(p => p.Timestamp.TimeOfDay))
You will need GroupConsecutive implementation, which creates groups of consecutive items based on same value of provided selector (full name in your case).
For your sample input result is:
"Header": "Markus Fert",
"Content": "11:23:00"
"Header": "John Deer",
"Content": "11:12:00\n06:34:00"
"Header": "Tom Kin",
"Content": "04:22:00\n03:49:00"
"Header": "John Deer",
"Content": "03:12:00"
"Header": "Tom Kin",
"Content": "01:12:00"