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CanCan nested routes

I have Codes nested under Companies in my routes.

resources :companies, except: [:destroy] do resources :codes, except: [:destroy] end


can :read, Company do |c|
   user.has_role? :operator, c

can :read, Code do |c|
  user.has_role? :operator,

My CodesController checks for

before_filter :set_code, only: [:show, :edit, :update, :activate, :deactivate]
  load_and_authorize_resource :except => :create #TODO fix as cancan updates
     def index
       if params[:company_id]

If I access /companies/1/codes, where my user shouldn't have access, I see no results. However if I try to view /companies/1 directly, I get CanCan AccessDenied.

Why doesn't this show in the nested index?


  • You should also do a load_and_authorize_resource of your parent model in the codes controller:

    load_and_authorize_resource :company

    followed by loading your code resource through your company:

    load_and_authorize_resource :company
    load_and_authorize_resource :code, through: :company

    I don't see any added value in your before_filter, as this is exactly what CanCan will do for you...