I'm trying to create a minimal SIP Proxy that serves one purpose: redirects requests to another domain. The catch is the domain I'm redirecting to requires authorization so I assume I need to rewrite some SIP attributes since SIP authorization is based partly on the domain name of the destination.
I've tried issuing a 302 redirect as well as simply proxying and changing the values of each SIP request but none seem to quit do the trick. I'm using a node.js library (sip.js) and have tried the redirect and proxy modules (https://github.com/kirm/sip.js/blob/master/doc/api.markdown).
Any ideas exactly how I need to modify the SIP data to redirect requests to another domain and enable authentication to take place against that other domain?
Below is a basic node script I got working with my own SIP server. You'll need to replace the credentials and IP address fro your own testing.
The proxy script does not send a redirect response to the client but instead initiates a new transaction to the server on the client's behalf. A SIP server operating in this mode is more correctly called a Back-to-Back User Agent (B2BUA). I haven't added all the functionality needed, such as matching up and passing responses back to the original client; there is a fair bit of work involved in that.
var sip = require('sip');
var digest = require('sip/digest');
var util = require('util');
var os = require('os');
var proxy = require('sip/proxy');
var registry = {
'user': { user: "user", password: "password", realm: "sipserver.com"},
function rstring() { return Math.floor(Math.random()*1e6).toString(); }
address: "", // If the IP is not specified here the proxy uses a hostname in the Via header which will causes an issue if it's not fully qualified.
logger: {
send: function(message, address) { debugger; util.debug("send\n" + util.inspect(message, false, null)); },
recv: function(message, address) { debugger; util.debug("recv\n" + util.inspect(message, false, null)); }
function(rq) {
try {
if(rq.method === 'INVITE') {
proxy.send(sip.makeResponse(rq, 100, 'Trying'));
//looking up user info
var username = sip.parseUri(rq.headers.to.uri).user;
var creds = registry[username];
if(!creds) {
proxy.send(sip.makeResponse(rq, 404, 'User not found'));
else {
proxy.send(rq, function(rs) {
if(rs.status === 401) {
// Update the original request so that it's not treated as a duplicate.
rq.headers.via.shift ();
rq.headers['call-id'] = rstring();
digest.signRequest(creds, rq, rs, creds);
else {
proxy.send(sip.makeResponse(rq, 405, 'Method Not Allowed'));
} catch(e) {
proxy.send(sip.makeResponse(rq, 500, "Server Internal Error"));